Reality is dropping through the letter boxes of park home site owners all over Scotland.
Since the beginning of 2019, local authorities have begun enforcing the new Scottish Government legislation on the licensing of residential park homes in Scotland and reminding site owners that they have only until 1 May 2019 to be in possession of a new licence for their site. Failure to do so can incur a fine of up to £50,000. The licensing regime includes those holiday sites that have permanent residents or who have been illegally encouraging unsuspecting individuals to live there permanently while operating under a holiday licence. Those unfortunate enough to be caught up in this situation on a holiday park could find themselves homeless when (not if!) their local authority enforces the terms of The Licensing of Relevant Permanent Sites (Scotland) Regulations 2016. This has already happened in England
The new regulations require site owners to submit applications for a licence to run their sites and to renew these every five years ; to obtain a licence. applicants and their site managers must undergo a 'Fit and Proper Person' test which includes a criminal record check, checks on their record in previously running parks and on breaches of previous licence conditions or residents contracts.
SCOPHRA is urging residents to check that their Written Agreements are up to date in line with the regulations introduced in 2013 and to contact their local Council Licensing Department without delay to inform them of any issues on their parks. The Licensing Authority will consider the submissions of residents in looking at the appliactions.
If residnets do not have Written Agreemnts under the Mobile Homes Act they muct demand them from the site owner now, in the correct format laid down in 2013, which includes a plan of the their pitch. Contact SCOPHRA for any guidance needed.