(March 2018)
The name of the Association shall be the Scottish Confederation of Park Home Residents Associations. (SCOPHRA)
The aims of SCOPHRA shall be:
- To represent and maximise the collective interests of affiliated park home Residents Associations in Scotland in their contact with site owners’ Associations, local authorities, public bodies, lawmakers and the media.
- To advise and assist affiliated Associations and their members in matters of park home law and regulation in Scotland and to gather substantive data on park home living in Scotland.
- To encourage the formation of Residents Associations on permanent residential park home sites in Scotland in accordance with the Mobile Homes (Written Statement) (Scotland) Regulations 2013.
- To assist individual park home residents with the above, where no local Association exists.
- To promote best practice and encourage the park home lifestyle as a permanent residential option in accordance with the Mobile Homes Acts as they apply in Scotland.
- Membership is open, primarily, to established Residents Associations on protected park home sites in Scotland whether or not such Association is a “Qualifying residents’ association”, in terms of the Mobile Homes (Written Statement) (Scotland) Regulations 2013.
- A list of the membership shall be retained by the SCOPHRA Secretary but NOT open to public inspection other than with the agreement of the Committee.
- SCOPHRA recognises the provisions of the Data Protection Act.
Where a subscription or membership fee is paid the amount payable per Residents Association shall be determined at a General or Annual General Meeting of SCOPHRA.
- The members entitled to vote, shall by voting at a General Meeting elect a Chairman, Secretary and a Treasurer from among the members.
- Other Committee members may be elected by the membership as required.
- With the exception of administrative decisions taken by the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer in their official capacities, SCOPHRA decisions shall be taken by voting.
- An officer of SCOPHRA may be removed from office by a vote at a General Meeting.
There shall be an Annual General Meeting in March each year to:
- Accept the Chairman’s Annual Report.
- Accept the Treasure’s financial Statement of Accounts (where applicable)
- Elect officers for the next year and elect any other Committee members as required.
- Consider any other items of business previously notified to the Secretary or raised at the meeting.
- Notification of the AGM will be given to all members at least fourteen days before the meeting.
The Chairman may call a General Meeting of the members at any time. The Chairman must call a General Meeting within fourteen days of receiving a request to that effect signed by not less than 10% of the members who are entitled to vote at such a meeting.
In all cases the Secretary will circulate detail of General Meetings at least seven days in advance. The decisions of General Meetings are to be carried out as determined by the meeting.
The quorum for General Meetings will be 50% of members of SCOPHRA and therefore no General Meeting will be held without at least this number being present.
Each park may vote at SCOPHRA meetings, one vote per park. A proxy vote is available by prior arrangement in writing to the secretary.
Motions formally raised at a General Meeting shall be decided upon by a simple majority of those present, except those relating to the Constitution which will require a two-thirds majority, one vote per park.
A resolution shall be decided on a show of hands unless a ballot is demanded:
- by the Chairman of the meeting, or
- by a proposal from a member which is seconded and passed by a majority vote.
All monies raised by or on behalf of SCOPHRA shall be used to further the Aims of SCOPHRA and for other purposes as decided by the Committee. Finances shall be accounted for by the Treasurer. Monies withdrawn from, or transferred between, SCOPHRA bank accounts shall be authorised by two of the three officers or as nominated by the Committee.
A bank account shall be opened for SCOPHRA and the Treasurer shall keep proper records of all SCOPHRA finances at all times. These shall include records of:
- all sums of money received and spent by SCOPHRA, and
- the assets and liabilities of SCOPHRA.
The Constitution may only be altered at an Annual General Meeting or a General Meeting. Notice of any proposed amendment(s) to the Constitution must be handed to the Secretary not less than fourteen days before such a Meeting. Changes to the Constitution must be agreed by two thirds of the members present and eligible to vote.
The Constitution must then be changed to reflect the amendment(s).
SCOPHRA may only be dissolved at a General Meeting called for that purpose. At least fourteen days’ notice must be given to all members.
A proposal to dissolve SCOPHRA shall only take effect if agreed by a simple majority of members present and eligible to vote.
All funds and documents relating to SCOPHRA shall be disposed of in Accordance with the decisions of the Meeting.
This Constitution was adopted at the General Meeting held on…18 March 2019 and signed by ther Chairman and Secretary present at the meeting