The Retail Prices Index (RPI) which is used to determine annual pitch fee rises, hit 13.8% in June 2022 as announced by the Office for Nationl Statistics on 20 july 2022; this is the highest ever level and is likely to go even higher, possible reaching 14%.
On the average pitch fee of around £175 per month this will see pitch fees rise by almost £25 per month when state pensions have been pegged to 3.2%.
Add this to electricity and gas prices, ever rising fuel prices and food prices, and considering that most park home residents are pensioners, the future looks bleak.
If you can afford it, now is the time, as summer moves on, to make sure your home is as well insulated as you can make it.
Check for draughts around doors and windows now and fit draught proofing tape where required. Tape is inexpensive from DIY stores and can make a significant difference.
Make sure your roof insulation is adequate and even top it up. Free advice on insulation and even grants are available for park homes. Check out:
(Click the extrnal link below)
Other little things that can help are low energy light bulbs, switching off all standby electricity (TV, computers etc.), refelctive panels behind radiators on outside walls, turning central heating down by just on degree saves a lot, and investing in a modern thermostat control can help even more.
Summer is the time to plan for next winter.