The Coronavirus pandemic has brought many challenges to everyone's way of life in Scotland and elsewhere but those of us in park home communities are faring a lot better than most. Despite the vast majority of our residents being classes as 'vulnerable' or in indeed 'shielding', the lockdown is bringing out the best in park home communities. The watchword is 'community'.
Most park home estates are sited in rural or seaside locations but even those sites in cities benefit from the general layout of sites. Most pitches have small gardens where residents can go outdoors. The open placing of homes makes social distancing easy, yet the proximity of neighbours allows a measure of socially distanced interaction with neighbours. As an example, one of our member parks in a rural setting encourages even infirm residents to take daily exercise just walking round the park. One lady in her eighties has completed three laps every day using her stroller, another (a bit younger admittedly) has completed ten brisk laps every day - about 5 miles.
So many people exercising inevitably means meeting others but conversations take place from opposite sides of the road; the gardens are a hive of activity so as people exercise they meet the gardeners for a chat, again at a distance across the road, so the loneliness factor is also overcome. Home carers are attending as usual and the recent good weather has even seen wheelchair users taking the air.
Neighbours are shopping for neighbours, those shielding (totally confined to their homes for health reasons) are well supported by the NHS and Scottish Government arrangements with food and medicine delivery priority. There is support from the supermarkets; we see regular home deliveries arriving.
A big thank you to all the front-line workers wo are doing a great job and the ordinary residents who are stepping up to the plate to do their bit for their neighbours.
We are living in strange times, but park home life seems even friendlier than normal and we know this is repeated across most park home communities. Community at its best!
Keep safe.